Power of Context In Language Teaching and Learning
Power of Context In Language Teaching and Learning
Frodesen, J., Holten, Ch. |
Год издания
2004 |
National Geographic Learning |
Количество страниц
288 |
Мягкий |
Русский язый |
Нет в наличии
У кошик
Дописи 30 відомих фахівців надають різноманітні уявлення та перспективи про важливість контексту у вивченні іноземної мови.
Посібник розділений на чотири частини: Discovering What Context Reveals About Grammatical Structures, Considering How Discourse, Context and Language Use Intersect, Exploring the Interface Between Language Skills and Discourse Contexts та Creating Contexts for Effective Language Teaching.
Кожна частина дає багато ідеї, щодо застосування отриманих знань на практиці.
Книга буде цікавою для роботи зі студентами ВНЗ, а також усім викладачам, які цікавляться темою вивчення мови через контекст.
1. Contextual Analysis a la Celce-Murcia
2. Nouns without Articles Focusing Instruction for ESL/EFL Learners with the Context of Authentic Discourse
3. Somewhere, Anywhere, Everywhere over the Rainbow: A Discourse-Based Analysis of Any, Some, and Every in Written English
4. How What We Mean Impacts How We Talk: The Japanese Imperfective Aspect Marker -teiru in Conversation
5. Enhancing Contextual Analysis Through the Use of Linguistic Corpora
6. Teacher-Learner as Fellow Scholar: The Celce-Murcia and Larsen-Freeman Model for ESL Teacher Education
7. Pragmatic Development in Responding to Rudeness
8. On the Role of Social Interaction in the Perception of Coherence
9. The Impact of Information Structure on ESL/EFL Learners' Accurate Use of Articles
10. Lexical Phrases and Discource Context: Questions of Form and Function
11. Discipline, Directives, and Deletions: Discourse in Chinese Heritage Language Classes
12. The Role of Grammar in Reading Development
13. Knowing About Expository Texts: Meta-Textual Awareness and Reading Comprehension
14. The Role of Grammar in TESL and Composition
15. What Can Pragmatics Tell Us About Developing Writers?
16. Lost in an Academic Lecture: The Effects of Context-Based Instruction on Academic Listening Skills
17. Focusing on Form: Seven Habits of Highly Skillful Teachers
18. Firsthand Lessons about Grammar Acquistion and Teaching: Tutoring Older ESL Learners
19. Evaluating Communicativeness of EFL Textbooks for Japanese Secondary Schools
20. The Power of Context in Teaching Pronunciation
21. Creating a Playworld: Motivating Learners to Take Chances in a Second Language
22. Transforming Teacher-Student Style Relationships: Towards a More Welcoming and Diverse Classroom Discourse
Книги автора
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ISBN: 9786178367381